Portofino Pesto Panini

Pizzas & Breads
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Pizzas & Breads
great with
Pinot Grigio
10 minutes
Tony's Original


  • Italian or French baguette
  • Freshly sliced tomato
  • Fresh sliced mozzarella
  • Prosciutto di Parma sliced thin
  • Roasted sweet red peppers sliced
  • Tony D's Liguria Pesto
  • Pinch of oregano
  • Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

Tony's Liguria-Style pesto is versatile – and one of the ways we love it is as a sandwich spread! Tony's Portofino Pesto Panini is a fast & easy take on an Italian sub.

1) Slice your baguette lengthwise and cut to desired panini length.

2) Place a generous portion of Prosciutto and slices of fresh Mozzarella on the open faced bread.

3) Bake at 350F until the Mozzarella begins to melt.

4) Remove from oven and top with fresh sliced tomato, sweet red roasted peppers, and Tony D’s Liguria pesto.

5) Sprinkle a pinch of oregano and drizzle extra virgin olive oil.
